Compliance Certification For Partners - Innovative Solutions for Wastewater Treatment | Organica Water

Compliance Certification For Partners

Please read our compliance policy and complete the form below before acceptance!



suppliers, service providers, advisers, commercial and financial intermediaries, associates, distributors, resellers, joint venture partners or any other persons or entities (“Business Partner”) that might represent or do business with Organica Water, Inc. and / or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries (“Organica”)

  • 1.1.    All Business Partners are strictly prohibited from corruptly authorizing, offering, or providing directly or indirectly cash or any advantage or thing of value to any individual or entity in exchange for business, permits/licenses, favorable tax assessments, or some other improper benefit for Organica or any other party.
  • 1.2.    There is no circumstance under which it is acceptable for Organica or any on its Business Partners to knowingly and deliberately not comply with the law or to act unethically in the course of performing Organica’s business.
  • 1.3.    For these purposes, “anything of value” includes gifts beyond a nominal value, gift cards, meals, entertainment, travel benefits, favors, discounts, or other financial advantages.
  • 1.4.    This Policy specifically prohibits bribes, kickbacks, and expediting/grease payments (irrespective of value) to employees, officials or agents of governments, state-owned entities, public international organizations (such as the United Nations) or private-sector companies. You are strictly prohibited from bribing political candidates or political parties or their officials.
  • 1.5.    This Policy also prohibits all Business Partners from soliciting or accepting bribes or kickbacks from other persons in relation to our business. No money laundering, embezzlement, or fraudulent activities affecting Organica’s business are tolerated.
  • 1.6.    A violation of this Policy can occur even if a bribe is not successful. The mere offer, promise, or request of a bribe is sufficient to cause a violation.
  • 1.7.    All Business Partners must adhere to high ethical standards and comply with all applicable local laws to the extent that they are not inconsistent with U.S. law.
  • 1.8.    If a Business Partner believes or suspects that corrupt payments will be or have been made through or by a third-party representative or that a current representative is corrupt, that matter must be reported immediately to the Compliance Officer and CEO of Organica via email at
  • 1.9.    Business Partner shall fully indemnify Organica in case of any FCPA violation, including all costs for the underlying investigation and all associated legal costs.
  • 1.10. Any violation of this Policy is considered by Organica as a material breach of contract between Organica and Business Partner which could cause a substantial amount of damages to be determined in each specific incidence of violation.

    Compliance Form